
Elektroprivreda BiH, Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina (fossil fired power)

BIOFIT Case Study: Biomass co-firing in the Elektroprivreda BiH coal fired power plant in Tusla, Bosnia-Herzegovina

Project partners Elektroprivreda BiH and CERTH will investigate biomass co-firing in Unit 6 (223 MWe) of the Tuzla thermal power plant.

The technology to be investigated is direct co-firing in the existing pulverized fuel boiler: biomass will be combusted in the same furnace as coal. Different options for transporting the biomass in the furnace will be investigated, e.g. mixing biomass with the coal or installing a new biomass feeding / milling line.

A wide range of local biomass sources (sawdust, forest residuesm agricultural residues, energy crops grown in reclaimed mining areas, etc.) will be considered. The aim is to substitute up to 30 % (mass basis) of the brown coal currently used as fuel in this power plant.

The successful implementation of this project will enable Elektroprivreda BiH to reduce the carbon intensity of its coal power generation, while also gaining operation experience with handling significant volumes of biomass feedstock and fostering the development of new biomass supply chains in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

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